Asral is the Warrior God, the one who takes the souls of slain heroes into His sacred halls, where they will enjoy a neverending feast until Asral himself calls them to assist Him in battle against the forces of fanatic chaos or, if there is need, even order.
Asral is mostly worshipped by humans or warriors, and the main temple of this religion is located in the proud city of Arborea. Asral is considered to be a neutral god, but there seems to be animosity between Him and the goddess Gwen.
Evren, Goddess of Life and Creation
Evren is the Goddess of Life and Creation. She did not create any of the known races, but she gave the gift of free will to the humans, which resulted in their rebellion against Sathonys. Evren is often displayed as an all-loving mother with wide open arms, but she also can show godly wrath against those who defile and harm life and nature.
Evren is the natural enemy of Sathonys, and is worshipped by creatures with good alignment. A center of this religion is not known yet.
Gwen, Goddess of Love
Gwen, Goddess of Love, is not often worshipped, but her followers show a fanatic love for their Mistress. Gwen loves everything and everyone, even Her dark brother Sathonys, but this love seems to be seldom returned to Her. She is often times displayed as either a golden heart or a beautiful, seductive woman.
Gwen is mostly worshipped by courtesans and other creatures who prefer to love their fellow brothers and sisters instead of harming them. There is no known center of this religion.
Lilith, Goddess of Chaos and Darkness
Lilith, Goddess of Chaos and Darkness, is a plotting and secretive deity. She prefers treachery to open violence, but She is also not afraid of open conflict if there is need. She twisted some of Taniel’s elves and turned them into Orcs and the other goblinoid races. Lilith is either displayed as a drop of fire or as a beautiful, charming but deadly woman.
Lilith is worshipped mainly by the goblinoid races, darkelves, thieves or other chaotic creatures. A center of this religion might be the ruined town of Ironhold. Lilith’s archenemy is the god Taniel.
Sathonys, God of Death and Destruction
Sathonys, God of Death and Destruction, is widely considered to be a terrible deity. He is probably the most powerful God but also the most feared and hated. Only a couple of creatures dare to worship Him and are granted amazing powers. The price for this power, though, is absolute obedience and their souls. Sathonys is either displayed as a black armoured warrior or a skull. Sathonys also created the human race, but most of His children later turned away from Him after they were
granted the gift of free will by Evren. He then created the insect race which brought chaos and war to the other races of Forostar for decades. But Sathonys still feels some kind of twisted love for his early creation, and especially favours all humans who turn back to Him and sell him their souls.
Sathonys is worshipped by all creatures who seek to revel in death and destruction. Rumours say there is some hidden temple somewhere to the north, but this was not confirmed yet. Sathonys’ archenemy is the goddess Evren.
Taniel, God of Order and Light
Taniel, God of Order and Light, is a strict god, but He also seeks to protect His children and other creatures with good alignment by enforcing law and order. Taniel created the elves and is also the god of knowledge and wisdom. It is said that Taniel is the patron of each well-organized library, and that he takes joy in the order of written words.
Taniel is either displayed as an elderly man with flowing beard wearing a long robe, or as an arrow. The center of this religion is the temple in Elvandar. Taniel’s archenemy is the goddess Lilith.
Zhakrin, Deity of Balance
Zhakrin, deity of Balance, is the most mysterious of the Gods and Goddesses. There is nearly nothing known about this mysterious deity, except that It created the dwarves and is said to be the oldest of the gods. The gender of Zhakrin is not known, but normally It is referred to as “he”. The symbol of Zhakrin is a black and white circular disc.
Followers of Zhakrin are rare and no center of this religion is known.