The following logfile will show you exactly how the character generation in GEAS works. You’ll see absolutely the same output as shown on this page. Helpful comments are in bold, your input is shown in intalic and plain text is the output you get from the game.
You connect to GEAS via telnet 3333 and immediately get following login screen:
.~)>> .~))))>>> .~))>> ___ .~))>>)))>> .-~))>> .~)))))>> .-~))>>)> .~)))>>))))>> .-~)>>)> ) .~))>>))))>> .-~)))))>>)> ( )@@*) //)>)))))) .-~))))>>)> ).@(@@ //))>>))) .-~))>>)))))>>)> (( @.@). //))))) .-~)>>)))))>>)> )) )@@*.@@ ) //)>))) //))))))>>))))>>)> (( ((@@@.@@ |/))))) //)))))>>)))>>)> )) @@*. )@@ ) (\_(\-\b |))>)) //)))>>)))))))>>)> (( @@@(.@(@ . _/`-` ~|b |>))) //)>>)))))))>>)> )* @@@ )@* (@) (@) /\b|))) //))))))>>))))>> (( @. )@( @ . _/ / \b)) //))>>)))))>>>_._ )@@ (@@*)@@. (6, 6) / ^ \b)//))))))>>)))>> ~~-. ( @jgs@@. @@@.*@_ ~^~^~, /\ ^ \b/)>>))))>> _. `, ((@@ @@@*.(@@ . \^^^/' ( ^ \b)))>> .' `, ((@@).*@@ )@ ) `-' (( ^ ~)_ / `, (@@. (@@ ). ((( ^ `\ | `. (*.@* / (((( \ \ . `. / ((((( \ \ _.-~\ Y, ; / / (((((( \ \.-~ _.`" _.-~`, ; / / `(((((() ) (((((~ `, ; _/ _/ `"""/ /' ; ; _.-~_.-~ / /' _.-~ _.' ((((~~ / /' _.-~ __.--~ (((( __.-~ _.-~ .' .~~ : ,' Welcome to GEAS, a fantasy MUD with a medieval theme. We hope you enjoy your stay. The webpage of GEAS can be found at It has a useful help section and offers plenty of interesting information about our background and history. The address of the forum is Read "help forum" from within the game to learn how to register a user there. If you have trouble coming up with a name for your character, simply type "names" to get some randomly generated suggestions. Driver: DGD-1.1.70 (using net package) Mudlib Version: OL.DGD.1.1 What should your character's name be:
The ASCI image of the login screen can differ, though. Once you are connected to the Mud, you’re asked for a name.
What should your character's name be:
The Mud now wants you to type in a name for your character and hit the “enter” key. You decide to pick the name “Geas”.
What should your character's name be: geas That name is reserved.
Oops, as you type in “Geas” and press the “enter” key the Mud replies with “That name is reserved.” Well, this means that the name “Geas” is no valid name for a character. Try again.
Please give your name again: dragonoth Welcome to 'Geas', Dragonoth. Please give me your password: Wrong password!
You always liked the name “Dragonoth”, so you decide to try it. Suddenly the Mud welcomes you back and requests a password. Puzzled you type in something and hit the “return” key. The Mud tells you “Wrong password!”. Obviously someone already created a character called “Dragonoth” and the name no longer can be taken. So you decide to try a different name.
What should your character's name be: armedil Do you want to create a new character (y/n)? y
Finally you managed to find a name which is working and not already taken. You type “y” for “yes” to the question if you want to create a new character.
New character. Please give me your password: Please give me your password: (again)
Again it asks for a password. This time, though, you have to come up with a new password. This password should be only known to you, be at least six letters long and contain one special character. After you type in your password (REMEMBER IT WELL) you are asked to repeat it one more time to make sure you didn’t make a mistake.
Creating a new player. Please enter your email address (or 'none'):
You are asked for an email address. You don’t have to tell us, but in case of important changes or events we might need it to inform you by email. Your email address won’t be given away to anyone and is kept secret except for Administrators of GEAS.
Choose one of the following races or type 'help <racename>' to get information on a specific race. (human, dwarf, elf, halfling, tshahark, half-elf): help human
You now have to choose a race for your character. Races determine certain attributes, skills and the appearance of the character you play. With “help <race>” you can get a short help to the available races. In this example you now typed “help human” and read…
NAME human SYNOPSIS just information DESCRIPTION Your average human is... let's put it that way... say... average... mostly in terms of physical attributes in comparison to the other races living in Forostar. This does not mean humans are boring in any way, it's just an objective judgement of their empirically determinable features. Being the race inhabiting the continent of Forostar the shortest period of time, they already have used this time to make an imprint on the land. Since their landing in 273 A.T.S. and the following horrible wars, first against the native inhabitants of Forostar, then, joining forces with the above, against a mysterious insect-like race of brutal warriors, they have lived through all states of the lifecycle of an average population of your average mammal. They fled their homeland near extinction, settled on new land, drifted towards extinction once again, are now on the highest point of evolution they ever were. They are friend to all races on Forostar having trade relations with most of the settlements around their capital Arborea and are occupied with enlarging their knowledge, wisdom, allies and numbers everyday... just in case - you never know - if the insects came back one day... Xutra, adventurer and explorer of the wonders of living, court of King Kondros II, 1062 AA SEE ALSO races, elf, halfling, dwarf, half-elf, tshahark Choose one of the following races or type 'help <racename>' to get information on a specific race. (human, dwarf, elf, halfling, tshahark, half-elf):
Well, you don’t like the human race very much, so you decide to read more help about another race. You try the elves.
(human, dwarf, elf, halfling, tshahark, half-elf): help elf NAME elf SYNOPSIS just information DESCRIPTION Elves are one of the oldest races in Forostar, second only to the dwarves. They were created by the god Taniel. Elves do not age or die naturally. However, they can be killed by violence, and sometimes, feeling the weight of their years heavy about their shoulders, can choose to end their lives. They are famous for their remarkable grace and beauty, and their fine craftsmanship. However, they can also be arrogant and haughty. SEE ALSO dwarf, human, halfling, tshahark, half-elf, races Choose one of the following races or type 'help <racename>' to get information on a specific race. (human, dwarf, elf, halfling, tshahark, half-elf):
You like the elves better and decide to chose the elven race for your character.
(human, dwarf, elf, halfling, tshahark, half-elf)): elf Choose your gender (Male or Female): male
After you picked your race you also have to pick a gender. Apart from your appearance the gender has no direct influence on your character. Next step is to make a couple of choices concerning how your character looks.
[vs] very short, [s] short, [n] normal, [t] tall, [vt] very tall Select your height: t [s] skinny, [l] lean, [n] normal, [p] plump, [f] fat Select your width: n Are you right or left hander? (r/l): r Choose the color of your hair: white, gray, black, blond, brown, red, orange, dark, chestnut, purple, copper, golden, silver. black Choose the color of your eyes: black, red, yellow, gray, green, blue, brown, dark, chestnut, purple, hazel, amber, silver, golden, emerald. green
So far you picked a male elf with the name Armedil, who has black hair, green eyes, is right hander, has normal width and is tall. Next step is to pick certain attributes for your character. This is important for how other players see you in the game if they don’t know your characters name yet.
There are 10 different areas. age, arms, beard, eyes, face, hair, legs, mentality, physique, skin Choose the area and then the attribute. You need to choose two attributes.
You decide you want to have a look at what kind of attributes are available in the category “age”
>age ageless, very young, adolescent, young, middle-aged, old, very old, ancient, youthful, childlike, elderly, hoary, callow, mature Choose one by typing it or 'x' if not. >x
You read the available attributes but decide to look at other categories before you pick two. So you type “x” and go back to the list of categories.
There are 10 different areas. age, arms, beard, eyes, face, hair, legs, mentality, physique, skin Choose the area and then the attribute. You need to choose two attributes. >arms long-armed, short-armed, thick-armed, thin-armed, broad-shouldered Choose one by typing it or 'x' if not. >x There are 10 different areas. age, arms, beard, eyes, face, hair, legs, mentality, physique, skin Choose the area and then the attribute. You need to choose two attributes. >beard blond-bearded, gray-bearded, black-bearded, white-bearded, brown-bearded, red-bearded, green-bearded, blue-bearded, orange-bearded, purple-bearded Choose one by typing it or 'x' if not. >x There are 10 different areas. age, arms, beard, eyes, face, hair, legs, mentality, physique, skin Choose the area and then the attribute. You need to choose two attributes. >eyes black-eyed, red-eyed, yellow-eyed, gray-eyed, one-eyed, round-eyed, slant-eyed, squinty-eyed, green-eyed, blue-eyed, brown-eyed, dark-eyed, purple-eyed, hazel-eyed, amber-eyed, sharp-eyed, almond-eyed, bleary-eyed, eagle-eyed, silver-eyed, golden-eyed, hard-eyed, emerald-eyed, nearsighted, shifty-eyed, starry-eyed, cat-eyed, wide-eyed, sad-eyed, wild-eyed Choose one by typing it or 'x' if not. >x There are 10 different areas. age, arms, beard, eyes, face, hair, legs, mentality, physique, skin Choose the area and then the attribute. You need to choose two attributes.
You finally found two attributes you like (only some of the categories were listed in this logfile here) and decide to pick them.
>age ageless, very young, adolescent, young, middle-aged, old, very old, ancient, youthful, childlike, elderly, hoary, callow, mature Choose one by typing it or 'x' if not. >young Ok, your attributes are young. There are 10 different areas. age, arms, beard, eyes, face, hair, legs, mentality, physique, skin Choose the area and then the attribute. You need to choose two attributes. Your attribute is young. >eyes black-eyed, red-eyed, yellow-eyed, gray-eyed, one-eyed, round-eyed, slant-eyed, squinty-eyed, green-eyed, blue-eyed, brown-eyed, dark-eyed, purple-eyed, hazel-eyed, amber-eyed, sharp-eyed, almond-eyed, bleary-eyed, eagle-eyed, silver-eyed, golden-eyed, hard-eyed, emerald-eyed, nearsighted, shifty-eyed, starry-eyed, cat-eyed, wide-eyed, sad-eyed, wild-eyed Choose one by typing it or 'x' if not. >gray-eyed You have to choose the same color for your eyes as you did before.
What happened now? Well, you already picked green eyes for your character at the beginning. If you want an eye color as an attribute, you have to chose the same eye color as you already did. Quite obvious, isn’t it? So you try again and pick this time “green”.
black-eyed, red-eyed, yellow-eyed, gray-eyed, one-eyed, round-eyed, slant-eyed, squinty-eyed, green-eyed, blue-eyed, brown-eyed, dark-eyed, purple-eyed, hazel-eyed, amber-eyed, sharp-eyed, almond-eyed, bleary-eyed, eagle-eyed, silver-eyed, golden-eyed, hard-eyed, emerald-eyed, nearsighted, shifty-eyed, starry-eyed, cat-eyed, wide-eyed, sad-eyed, wild-eyed Choose one by typing it or 'x' if not. >green-eyed Ok, your attributes are young green-eyed. There are 10 different areas. age, arms, beard, eyes, face, hair, legs, mentality, physique, skin Choose the area and then the attribute. You need to choose two attributes. Your attributes are young, green-eyed You are finished. Type 'q' to enter the game or choose new attributes. >q
You managed to finish your character’s appearance. Others will see you as “a green-eyed, young male elf”. The next thing you do it to type “q” to finish this part of your character creation.
Do you want to display ANSI colors? You can change and customize it later in the game with the command 'setcolor' (y/n):
You can always turn off or customize the ANSI colors if you do not like the default setting. The command to do so is “setcolor”.
If you have not played an LP Mud before, we offer you the chance to emulate some of the most essential DIKU/ROM/CIRCLE/MERC commands. These are basically aliases for your own convenience. If you have already played LP Muds, if you are completely new to playing Muds in general or if you have no idea what all of this means, please pick the "no" option. Do you want to use DIKU commands? (y/n):
If you have never played a MUD before or if you have experience with LPMuds, answer “n”. If you only have experience with DIKU/ROM/CIRCLE/MERC Muds, you might want to answer with “y”. This can be also changed in your options later.
You now have to decide how you want to distribute the experience points you will earn towards your statistics. For new players, we recommand to use the default, which distributes the experience on all statistics in a balanced way. More experienced players can set custom values for these learning preferences. Note: These values can be changed later in the game, you are not forced to stick with them! What learning preferences do you want to use: [d]efault or [c]ustom? c
Now what does this mean? Well, your character will improve his statistics later in the game. Depending on how much effort you put into the different stats (such as strength, agility, etc.) the character will improve the individual stat faster or slower. The effort is represented by the percentage value of each stat. So if you put 30 percent on strength, it means you’ll put 30 percent of your entire effort to improve your character into boosting your strength. If this entire system is still too complex for you to understand, we’ll suggest you pick “d” for default distribution. Don’t worry, you can change it later in the game once someone was able to explain it to you. In our example here, we pick “c” for customized, though.
You have to distribute 100% of your experience points on your stats. You have to consider the following maxima: str dex agi con int wis dis 25 40 40 25 35 35 30 The minimum for each value is 5. Now enter your learning preferences Strength[str] (left: 100):20 Dexterity[dex] (left: 80):15 Agility[agi] (left: 65):25 Constitution[con] (left: 40):20 Intelligence[int] (left: 20):8 Wisdom[wis] (left: 12):8 Discipline[dis] (left: 4):4 Please reenter for Discipline(Minimum: 5, Maximum: 30):5 You must distribute 100 points exactly! Let's start from the beginning. Strength[str] (left: 100):
Since you use percentage values, the sum of all values must be no less or more than 100. In the example above you would have distributed 101 percent. Because of this you are forced to start over again. Try this time to reach 100.
Strength[str] (left: 100):16 Dexterity[dex] (left: 84):10 Agility[agi] (left: 74):18 Constitution[con] (left: 56):16 Intelligence[int] (left: 40):14 Wisdom[wis] (left: 26):14 Discipline[dis] (left: 12):12
Once you set the last value and did everything correctly, your character is complete. You can now choose if you want to do the newbie tutorial or not.
Now you can choose whether or not to enter our Newbie Tutorial. If you are not experienced with playing Muds, you should try the tutorial. There, some important commands are explained to you. Even if you have some experience with Muds, the tutorial may be useful to familiarize yourself with our game-specific commands. Do you want to enter the short newbie-tutorial before entering the game? [y/n] n
If you are new to Geas, we recommend that you do the tutorial. We, however, chose not to do the tutorial, and we are immediately moved to the default start location of each race. In our case it’s the inn in the Elvish capital.
The 'Tree of Life'. This is a famous but quite unusual inn. The air is fresh and the marble-tiled ground is clean. Few rowdy guests can be seen, and the furniture looks undamaged by brawls, which are very common in other pubs all around the world. The decoration looks extremely valuable and would fit into a palace, but in this city it's quite ordinary. In the middle of the room are velvet covered chairs and benches, which surround large oaken tables. A large sign is fixed to the northern wall behind a wooden bar. In one corner you notice a fireplace. There are two obvious exits: east, up. An energetic green-eyed female elf and a red-eyed slender male elf.
The first thing you see is the room description of the location you are in. The next line shows you the possible exits (e.g. type either “east” or “e” to walk through the eastern exit), then you can see other player’s character or NPCs (Non Player Characters). For further information about the possible commands, check out the in-game help pages (type help) or look at the help section of this webpage. We especially recommend the followup log called “First Steps“.
Well, your character is now ready to roam through the lands of GEAS and to experience unlimited and great adventures. Have Fun!